Ο Zangief είναι η νέα προσθήκη του Street Fighter V
Το ρόστερ του Street Fighter V συνεχίζει να εμπλουτίζεται δυναμικά με παλιούς και νέους χαρακτήρες, με αυτή την φορά την Capcom να μας αποκαλύπτει τον Zangief, τον Ρώσο παλαιστή ο οποίος έκανε την πρώτη του εμφάνιση στο Street Fighter II.
Παρακάτω θα βρείτε το αντίστοιχο trailer ανακοίνωσης του χαρακτήρα, όπως επίσης μερικές πληροφορίες σχετικά με το gameplay του.
Το Street Fighter V αναμένεται να κυκλοφορήσει την άνοιξη του 2016 για PS4 και PC.
About Zangief
A popular mainstay within Street Fighter, Zangief is the most prominent wrestler within the series. Zangief has made appearances in Street Fighter II, Street Fighter Alpha II and III, and Street Fighter IV, all the while fighting for “Mother Russia.”
When it comes to raw strength, not many in the world can compete with Zangief. Training day and night, Zangief believes that the only way to victory is to have a body complete with perfect muscles. Due to his intense training, which includes wrestling bears, Zangief can lift the heaviest opponents with ease!
In Street Fighter V, Zangief shows off the results of his training through his newfound V-Skill, Iron Muscle and new V-Trigger, Cyclone Lariat. These two skills are just the tip of the iceberg however, as Zangief has even more new tactics in store for the world warriors this time around.
V-Skill: Iron Muscle
Zangief shows the true power of his body when he activates Iron Muscle. During Iron Muscle, Zangief can absorb one attack, which leaves him with recoverable health.
If players hold down medium punch and medium kick and then press a direction on the stick, Zangief will begin to slowly close in on the opponent. Upon release from the walk, Zangief flexes his muscles and hits the opponent if close enough.
V-Trigger: Cyclone Lariat
Zangief lives up to his name “the Iron Cyclone” as he spins with high speed and velocity, pulling the opponent in close. If the player taps the V-Trigger activation buttons, Zangief will quickly spin and pull in the opponent. If the player holds the V-Trigger activation buttons, Zangief will continue to spin and hit the opponent multiple times.
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