Νέο patch για την beta του Overwatch

Πληθώρα βελτιώσεων μαζί με νέο χάρτη και ένα νέο mode
23 Μαρτίου 2016 10:56
Νέο patch για την beta του Overwatch

Ένα νέο patch έγινε διαθέσιμο από την Blizzard για την beta του Overwatch. Το εν λόγω patch, εκτός από διάφορες αλλαγές και βελτιώσεις, προσθέτει ένα νέο χάρτη (Route 66) μαζί με ένα καινούριο game mode ονόματι "Weekly Brawl". Στο mode αυτό, ο παίκτης καλείται να αναμετρηθεί σε ένα custom game, το οποίο θα περιλαμβάνει διαφορετικούς κανόνες από τους συνηθισμένους, πχ, κάθε φορά που πεθαίνετε θα κάνετε respawn με διαφορετικό ήρωα κλπ.

Παρακάτω θα βρείτε τη λίστα με τις προσθήκες και τις βελτιώσεις που προσφέρει το νέο patch. Το Overwatch αναμένεται να κυκλοφορήσει παγκοσμίως στις 24 Μαΐου και θα είναι διαθέσιμο για PS4, Xbox One και PC.

Player Progression

  • All available and unlocked achievements can be viewed in the Career Profile > Achievements tab
  • Select achievements will now unlock general and hero-specific sprays (which can be equipped in the Hero Gallery)
  • Players will now unlock a new portrait frame every 10 levels, instead of only at levels 10, 25, 50, and 100
  • Players will now receive a promotion every 100 levels
  • When a player receives a promotion, they will unlock a new portrait frame theme
  • With each new promotion, the player’s level (and the EXP required to level) will be reset
  • New Legendary skins have been added for several heroes
  • Plays of the Games have received a polish pass

Joining and Leaving Games

  • Players will now receive an EXP bonus for playing multiple matches in succession
  • Players who backfill into a match will no longer receive a loss for that match (even if it ends in a defeat), but can still receive a win
  • These players will also receive an additional EXP bonus for the match, if completed
  • Players who leave an in-progress match will now receive an automatic loss
  • Players who repeatedly leave in-progress matches will also receive a temporary penalty on EXP gained from future matches (this penalty will persist as long as the player continues to repeatedly leave in-progress matches)

Group Improvements

  • Players can now request to “Join a Group”
  • When a group leader leaves a game, he or she will now have the option to leave with the group intact
  • Expanded preferences for groups have been added to the Options menu
  • Option to allow current group members to invite other players to the group
  • Option to allow “Anyone,” “Friends,” or “No One” to join your group without an invite


  • The new player experience has been updated
  • The Tutorial and Practice Range have received a polish pass
  • Dialogs will now guide new players through the Tutorial, Practice Range, and Practice vs AI modes before recommending Quick Play
  • Players can now browse the main menu while queued for Quick Play, Play vs AI, or Weekly Brawl! games
  • “Healing Done” has replaced “Final Blows” as an available end-of-match medal
  • End-of-match commendations have received another tuning pass
  • AI heroes will now melee and use Health Packs